
  • Type : Public class

  • Namespace : SlateShipyard.ShipSpawner

Where all the ships from addons is stored.

This is the class you want to call if you want to access a ship or the ships added by addons.


Public Static Methods

bool AddShip(Func< GameObject > prefab, string name)

Adds the addon ship to the table of accessable addon ships.

Returns false if there is already a ship with the same name, and true if it succeeded

bool RemoveShip(string name)

Removes the addon ship from the table of accessable addon ships.

int ShipAmount()

The amount of ships in the table of accessable addon ships.

ShipData GetShipData(int index)

Returns the ship in the table of accessable addon ships by passing its index.

ShipData GetShipData(string name)

Returns the ship in the table of accessable addon ships by passing its name.